
FIVE Monitor Installation 2.3
PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss aanndd SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
GGeenneerraall PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Avoid storing or using the mixing console in conditions of excessive heat or cold,
or in positions where it is likely to be subject to vibration, dust or moisture. Do
not use any liquids to clean the fascia of the unit: a soft dry brush is ideal. Use only
water or ethyl alcohol to clean the trim and scribble strips. Other solvents may
cause damage to paint or plastic parts.
Avoid using the console close to strong sources of electromagnetic radiation (e.g.
video monitors, high-power electric cabling): this may cause degradation of the
audio quality due to induced voltages in connecting leads and chassis. For the
same reason, always site the power supply away from the unit.
In all cases, refer servicing to qualified personnel.
HHaannddlliinngg aanndd TTrraannssppoorrtt
The console is supplied in a strong crate. If it is necessary to move it any distance
after installation it is recommended that this packing is used to protect it. Be sure
to disconnect all cabling before moving. If the console is to be regularly moved we
recommend that it is installed in a foamlined flightcase. At all times avoid applying
excessive force to any knobs, switches or connectors.
PPoowweerr SSuupppplliieess && ccaabblleess
Always use the power supply and cable supplied with the mixer: the use of alter-
native supplies may cause damage and voids the warranty; the extension of power
cables may result in malfunction of the mixing console.
Always switch the power supply off before connecting or disconnecting
the mixer power cable, removing or installing modules, and servicing. In
the event of an electrical storm, or large mains voltage fluctuations,
immediately switch off the PSU and unplug from the mains.
Use only the Soundcraft CPS2000 power supply with your console.
SSiiggnnaall LLeevveellss
It is important to supply the correct input levels to the console, otherwise signal to
noise ratio or distortion performance may be degraded; and in extreme cases,
damage to the internal circuitry may result. Likewise, on all balanced inputs avoid
sources with large commonmode DC, AC or RF voltages, as these will reduce the
available signal range on the inputs. Note that 0dBu = 0.775V RMS.