
FIVE Monitor Functional Description 4.2
IInnppuutt MMoodduullee
SSEENNSS ((SSeennssiittiivviittyy))
The SENSitivity Control adjusts the level of the signal which is present on the
Input XLRs. The input can handle mic or line level signals up to +30dBu, with the
RANGE switch (see below) selecting high or low sensitivity.
Every input has A and B XLR inputs, allowing a large number of inputs to be con-
nected to the console without repatching. Normally the A input is active, unless
the B switch is pressed to select the alternative input.
ØØ ((PPhhaassee))
The PHASE switch reverses the phase of the selected input signal, to compensate
for incorrect wiring or mic placement. The switch is internally illuminated when
phase is reversed.
RRNNGGEE ((RRaannggee))
The RNGE (Range) switch selects between an input range of -2dBu to -70dBu
(switch released), and +10dBu to -20dBu (switch pressed and lit), enabling both
mic and line level signals to be handled by a common input stage.
CAUTION: Phantom power should not be switched on when unbalanced
sources are connected to the XLR input.
4488VV AA aanndd BB
The 48V switches, when depressed, place 48V phantom power on pins 2 & 3 of
the respective XLRs. Integral LEDs illuminate when the phantom power is on.
IINNSS ((IInnsseerrtt PPooiinntt))
The Insert Point may be switched in circuit by the INS switch. The insert uses sep-
arate balanced jacks for send and return. It is normally positioned after the filter
and before the equaliser, but can be repositioned using internal jumpers to be
post-EQ if required. The insert is in-circuit when the switch is illuminated.
HHPPFF ((HHiigghhppaassss FFiilltteerr))
Two sweepable filters are provided, offering the capability of cleaning up both
ends of the input signal, minimising the amount of corrective EQ which needs to
be applied.
The High-pass Filter (HPF) control (upper knob) sets the cutoff (-3dB) frequency
of the High-pass filter: it is adjustable between 20Hz and 600Hz. The control also
has a built-in switch to switch the filter out of circuit when rotated fully anticlock-
The Low-pass Filter (LPF) control (lower knob) sets the cutoff (-3dB) frequency
of the Low-pass filter: it is adjustable between 1kHz and 20kHz. The control also
has a built-in switch to switch the filter out of circuit when rotated fully anticlock-
The EQ section comprises four fully parametric bands, with adjustable Q. The EQ
is enabled when the EQ switch is pressed, and bypassed when the switch is
released. The EQ is active when the EQ switch is illuminated.
Each section has a dual concentric control providing 15dB boost or cut (upper
knob) at a variable frequency (lower knob) and a separate Q control.
24-bus console