User’s Manual
DVR-4TH/8TH/16TH Series
111 Channel Select
This item is used to select a desired channel for setting the parameters. Move
the cursor to <Channel Select> and press ENTER, then select a channel
using UP / DOWN keys. Press ENTER again to confirm the setting. Video Loss Detect
This item allows the user to enable / disable Video Loss as an alarm event.
Select <ON> to enable Video Loss alarm events, <OFF> to disable. The
default setting is <OFF>. Motion Detect
To detect motions, the users can choose from these options: <OFF>, <ALL>,
<Night & Weekend>, <Day & Weekend>, <Weekend>, <Day & Night>,
<Night>, and <Day>. The Day, Night, and Weekend is defined in section
Schedule Setup
If motion detection function is enabled, it is required to define the motion
detection parameters such as detection area and sensitivity settings. Detection Config
If motion detection function is enabled, it is required to define the motion
detection parameters such as detection area and sensitivity settings. Select a
channel for setting the parameters, move the cursor to <Detection Config>,
and press ENTER. The Detection Configuration menu displays as follows.
Detection Config
Detected Area Setup
Area Threshold
Detected Area Setup
The Detect Area is displayed as follows after selecting this item. The
detection area consists of 165 (15×11) detection grids.