User’s Manual
DVR-4TH/8TH/16TH Series
5.9.2 Select Channel
The item is used to select channels for export. Move the cursor to the desired
channel using LEFT / RIGHT keys, then select or de-select a channel by
pressing ENTER.
5.9.3 From / To Time
The items are used to set the time which data export begins and ends. Move
the cursor using Direction keys, and press ENTER to select the date / time
items; adjust the selected date and time value by UP / DOWN keys.
NOTE: When the Start / End Time are set, remember to select the
exporting Data Type.
5.9.4 Select Events
Select this item to display the available event video list for exporting. Move
the cursor to scroll down the event list and press ENTER to select the event
you want to export.
5.9.5 Data Type
The item is used to select export video type. The options are <Normal>
(export normal video only), <Event> (export event video only) and <Both>
(export both normal and event video).
NOTE: If you want to export selected event video using the item
<Select Event>, you have to set <From> and <To> for the same day
and time; otherwise, not only the selected event video will be exported
to the selected destination, but also any other event video recorded
during the period between <From> and <To>.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to access the <Select Events> if the
Data Type is set to <Normal>.