
several figures shown here; they’ll tell you all you really need to
Nevertheless, if you feel better following written instructions,
read on . . .
After looking carefully at the Figure 1-7, begin by turning the
power c$L and removing the printer cover. Then slide the print
head gently to the center of the printer. Next, set one of the ribbon
spools on a ribbon spool post, being careful to have it wind/
Print head
\ \
Changeover lever’
“xon spy
Xi-10 ribbon path
Changeover lev;
‘Ribbon spool J
SC- 15 ribbon path
Figure 1-7. You’ll find this diagram of the ink ribbon path inside your
SG-lo/15 for easy reference when you change ribbons.
unwind exactly as shown in the figures. The spool should fit so
that the drive pins engage the spool.
Next, you start threading the ribbon. The only tricky part is
around the print head, so pay particular attention to Figure l-9.
The ribbon should fit in the slot between the print head and the
ribbon guide. Use a ballpoint pen to work the ribbon down
between the print head and the ribbon guide.
The other thing to watch is the position of the eyelet near the
end of the ribbon. This works exactly like a typewriter ribbon
eyelet; it can’t get by the slotted guide, which causes the ribbon
to automatically reverse its direction.