
without moving the printhead back to the left margin. The fol-
lowing commands do just that.
The < ESC > “J” CHR$(n) command causes the printer to
make one line feed of n/144 inch (STAR mode), or n/216 inch
(IBM mode), but does not change the setting of the line spacing.
Try this program to see how it works:
10 'Demo one-time line feeds.
20 LPRINT "Line number 1."
30 LPRINT "Line number 2.” ;
40 'One time line feed.
50 LPRINT CHR$(27) "J" CHR$(lQ)@) ;
64) LPRINT "Line number 3."
79) LPRINT "Line number 4."
Here is what SG-lo/15 will produce:
Line number 1.
Line number 2.
L.i ne number 3.
Line number 4.
The < ESC > “J” CHR$(lOO) in line 50 changes the spacing
to lOO/ 144 inches (100/2 16 inches for IBM mode) for one line
only without moving the printhead. The rest of the lines printed
with the normal line spacing. Notice that both line 30 and line
50 end with semicolons. This prevents the normal line feed from
- -’
The < ESC > “a” CHR$(n) command advances the paper n
lines (using whatever the current line spacing is) without moving
the printhead. Change .+ne 40 and 50 of your program so that
they are like this.
40 'Advance paper 3 lines.
50 LPRINT CHR$(27) "a" CHR$(3) ;
Now when you run the program the results will look like this.