
DesktopX 2.4 Developer’s Guide
Page 12
System Tray
Once you have understood the taskbar type, the 'System Tray' class is easy, as it uses a subset of
these options that creates an object to display the icons in your system tray.
The 'System' class allows you to access some of the other standard Windows functionality.
Selecting this class provides you with a dropdown list of items from which you can select. Each
of these items has a corresponding Windows dialogue box that will be displayed when the user
interacts with the object.
The 'DesktopX' class provides you will a list of things to do that relate to DesktopX and it’s user
interface. Each of these items is fairly self explanatory.
This class is useful if you are planning to export the widget as a stand alone Executable file (or
widget). You can use these to replicate the commands that are available in Widgets – to close the
widget, minimize it, or display the About box. Widgets are explained in more detail in section