
DesktopX 2.4 Developer’s Guide
Page 31
3.7 DesktopX Plugins
DesktopX is a flexible program that opens itself up to developers who can create plugins. These
are additional modules providing packaged functionality that you as a user can access.
To create an object based on a plugin simply create an object as normal, then in the 'Additional
Abilities' section of the 'General' tab, click the 'Add' button. This will then pop up a list of
available plugins on your system.
All you need to do is select the plugin you want to use, and then click OK.
Each plugin needs to be configured differently but we will go through a few examples of the
different types here.
If you need to remove a plugin, simply select the plugin in 'Additional Abilities' and click
Digital Clock
This plugin when used immediately creates a digital clock on your desktop.
In a plugin the developer can create customization features to tweak the plugin. If you select the
plugin on the 'Additional Abilities' list the 'Configure' button will be enabled.
Clicking this allows brings up a dialogue which allows you to change the time format and the
font and color in which it is displayed.
Digital Clock (Text State)
This plugin shows a different way the developer can implement the same type of functionality
but give more flexibility to the user. When this is used the immediate impression may be that
nothing has happened.
However, if you go to the 'States' tab and check 'Text' on 'Appearance' then all or a sudden you
have a digital clock on your desktop. What's cool about this implementation is that it uses
standard DesktopX text so you can tweak the text any way you like including shadows, and it is
exposed to manipulation via script such as the ability to change its color dynamically.