2.4. Con nect ing the com pressed-air sup ply
Check com pressed-air pip ing for cor rect in stal la -
tion and as sem bly.
Check fit tings, length and qual ity of the hose con -
nec tions for agree ment with re quire ments.
Check all com pressed-air lines for leak ages.
You need a com pressed-air sup ply with 5 - 6 bar
(72.52-87.02 PSI) sys tem overpressure. The air
should be free from oil and wa ter, if pos si ble.
Con nect the com pressed-air hose, which is part
of the sup ply, to the in jec tor tube and to the con trol
and main te nance unit. To this end, the com -
pressed-air hose is firmly pressed into the con -
nect ing sockets.
Con nect the con trol and main te nance unit to the com pressed-air sup ply (max. in -
put pres sure 10 bar (145.04 PSI) sys tem overpressure).
Set the pres sure on the pres sure re ducer at 5 - 6 bar (72.52-87.02 PSI).
Max i mum in put pres sure 10 bar (145.04 PSI) (sys tem
Max i mum out put pres sure 6 bar. (87.02 PSI)
SSV 05/2R
In stal la tion in struc tions 17