Tab le of con tents
1. Sa fe ty in struc tions ............................................6
1.1. War nings and sym bols ..................................7
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma ti on ............................. 8
1.3. For your sa fe ty ........................................9
1.4. For the sa fe ty of the units...............................12
2. In stal la ti on in struc tions .......................................13
2.1. Ge ne ral in for ma ti on ...................................14
2.2. In stal ling the con vey or hop per ...........................15
2.3. In stal ling the con trol and main ten an ce unit .................16
2.4. Con nec ting the com pres sed-air supp ly ....................17
2.5. Elec tri cal con nec ti on ................................... 18
3. Functio nal des crip ti on ........................................ 19
3.1. Me thod of functio ning ..................................20
3.2. Con trol and main ten an ce unit ...........................20
4. Set-up ......................................................21
4.1. Pre pa ra tions .........................................22
4.2. Set ting the mi xing ra tio of the com po nents .................22
4.3. Ba sic set ting of the fil ling le vel in the con vey or hop per .......23
4.3.1. Fine ad just ment of the fil ling le vel in the
con vey or hop per ..............................24
5. Main ten an ce.................................................25
5.1. Main ten an ce in ter vals .................................. 27
5.2. Clea ning/re pla cing the fil ter car trid ge .....................28
5.3. Ad ju sting the le vel pro be ...............................29
5.4. Trou ble-shooting ......................................30
SSV 05/2R