
Stand-alone Application Server installations:
5. Add a name and value pair (Name=Name Value=Duke) for storing in
6. Click the Add to Session Data button.
7. Verify that the session data was added
In this section you created an instance to use as a load balancer and set up a load
balancing conguration. You also veried load balancing.
To congure and verify HTTP session failover, continue to Chapter 2. Otherwise
continue on to Cleaning Upon page 22.
Cleaning Up
To clean up, you can uninstall the Application Server installation by completing the
steps in To Uninstall Completely on page 22, or you can simply delete the sample
cluster you have just created by completing the steps in To Remove the Sample
Cluster Only on page 23.
Caution If you plan to complete Chapter 2 do not use these clean-up procedures.
Instead, go to Chapter 2 now and when you are done use the procedures youll nd
there to clean up.
To Uninstall Completely
To completely uninstall Application Server and also uninstall the Web Server, use the
following procedure.
1. Stop the Application Server processes using these commands:
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster
asadmin stop-node-agent hostname
asadmin stop-domain domain1
Next Steps
22 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide