
Quick Start
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide. This guide is for developers, system
administrators, and Application Server administrators who are interested in learning
about the capabilities of the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 2005Q2 software.
This guide describes basic and advanced steps for using Application Server. The steps
are presented in the order that you should complete them. The basic steps, which
usually require less than 45 minutes to complete, are in these sections:
Starting the Serveron page 7
Creating a Cluster on page 12
Deploying an Applicationon page 15
The advanced steps, which usually require about 45 minutes to complete, are in these
The steps for setting up load balancing, in Setting up Load Balancingon page
The steps for setting up high availability and failover, in Chapter 2
The nal sections of this guide include instructions for cleaning up and information on
sources of information to use after completing this Quick Start Guide.
Variable Names and Default Paths
The following table describes what the variable names and default paths are for the
directories used in this guide. Variable names are in the rst column, and default paths
are in the second column.