Glossary 105
thin-scripting client
remote scripting CLI client.
storage tray.
virtual disk
A set of disk blocks presented to an operating environment as a range of
consecutively numbered logical blocks with disk-like storage and I/O semantics.
The virtual disk is the disk array object that most closely resembles a physical disk
from the operating environment’s viewpoint.
A logically contiguous range of storage blocks allocated from a single pool and presented
by a disk array as a logical unit number (LUN). A volume can span the physical devices
that constitute the array, or it can be wholly contained within a single physical disk,
depending on its virtualization strategy, size, and the internal array configuration. The
array controller makes these details transparent to applications running on the attached
server system.
volume snapshot
World Wide Name. A unique 64-bit number assigned by a recognized naming
authority such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) that
identifies a connection (device) or a set of connections to the network. The World
Wide Name (WWN) is constructed from the number that identifies the naming
authority, the number that identifies the manufacturer, and a unique number for the
specific connection.