Chapter 6 Configuring IP Addressing 77
■ Data Rate: 38400
■ Data Bits: 8
■ Parity: None
■ Stop Bits: 1
■ Flow Control: None
▼ To Establish a Connection With the Serial Port
To establish a connection with the serial port and display the Service Interface menu:
1. Press Break.
Note – The array serial port requires that the break character be received. Use the
appropriate escape sequence for your terminal setup to send the required break
character to the array controller, For example, you generate the Break character on
some terminals by pressing the Control and Break keys simultaneously.
The serial port responds with a request to synchronize with the baud rate of the
Set baud rate: press <space> within 5 seconds
2. Press the space bar within five seconds.
The serial port confirms the established baud rate for the connection:
Baud rate set to 38400
3. Press Break (see Note above)
The serial port responds with the following message:
Press within 5 seconds: <S> for Service Interface, <BREAK>
for baud rate
4. Press S to access the Service Interface menu.
Note – Send Break to synchronize the serial port to a different terminal port rate
(see Note above).
The serial port requests the serial port password:
Enter Password to access Service Interface (60 sec timeout):
5. Type the serial port password, kra16wen, and press Enter.
The Service Interface menu is displayed.