Index 145
For Internal Use Only
notification events, 103
T1/T2 data path
troubleshooting, 102
test examples
command line, 19
qlctest(1M), 19
switchtest(1M), 20
used in PFA, 2
broad steps, 3
check status of Sun StorEdge T3+ array, 4
check status of the Sun StorEdge FC Network
Switch-8 and Switch-16, 5
check status of the virtualization engine, 5
determine extent of the problem, 4
discovering the error, 4
ethernet hubs, 123
general procedures, 3
host side and service processor side, 18
quiesce IO, 5
Sun StorEdge T3+ array, 99
T1/T2 data path, 102
test and isolate FRUs, 5
tools and resources available, 3
virtualization engines, 69
virtualization engine
failback, 83
how to replace, 84
power LED codes, 73
references, 125
service codes, 129
SRN and SNMP reference, 125
SRN and SNMP single points of failure, 128
virtualization engines
description of, 69
diagnostics, 70
ethernet port LEDs, 74
LEDs, 72
reading LED service and diagnostic codes, 73
retrieving service information, 70
service and diagnostic codes, 70
service request numbers, 70
troubleshooting, 69
VLUN serial number
how to find, 79
used in troubleshooting, 11
VxDMP error message
for A3/B3 link, 38
of virtualization engine, 9