58 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2002
5. Choose Utilities -> System -> Recover Config.
Refer to Chapter 7 of the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide for
detailed instructions.
a. In the Recover Config window, enter the IP address of any alternate master or
slave monitoring host (all hosts keep a copy of the configuration).
b. Make sure the Recover Config and Reset slave to this master checkboxes are
c. Click Recover.
6. Choose Maintenance -> General Maintenance.
Ensure that all host and device settings are recovered correctly.
Refer to Chapter 3 of the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide for
detailed instructions.
7. Choose Maintenance -> General Maintenance -> Start/Stop Agent to start the
agent on the master host.
▼ To Replace the Alternate Master or Slave
Monitoring Host
1. Choose Maintenance -> General Maintenance -> Maintain Hosts.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Maintenance,” of the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment
User’s Guide.
2. In the Maintain Hosts window, select the host to be replaced from the Existing
Hosts list, and click Delete.
3. Install the new host.
Refer to Chapter 2 of the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide for
detailed instructions for the next four steps.
4. Install the SUNWstade package on the new host.
5. Run /opt/SUNWstade/bin/ras_install.
6. Configure the host as a slave.