250 Administration Guide • 2005Q4
Locale A geographic or political region or community that shares the same language,
customs, or cultural convention. In software, a locale is a collection of files,
data, and code, which contains the information necessary to adapt software to
a specific geographical location.
Capabilities Required capabilities for a device to accept MIDlet applications.
MIDlet A MIDlet is a Java technology-based application written for MIDP. MIDlet
applications are subclasses of the javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet
class that is defined by the MIDP specification.
Mobile Information
Device Profile
(MIDP) A set of Java technology-based APIs that, together with the Connected Limited
Device Configuration (CLDC), provides a complete Java 2 Platform, Micro
Edition (J2ME
platform) software application runtime environment targeted
at mobile information devices, such as mobile phones and entry level PDAs.
The MIDP specification addresses issues such as user interface, persistent
storage, networking, and application life cycle.
Obfuscation A technique used to protect source code. Obfuscation makes code more
difficult to understand when it is decompiled, but it has no affect on the
functionality of the code. In addition, obfuscation makes the JAR file as small
as possible, enabling devices with smaller memories to support large JAR files.
Over-The-Air Protocol
(OTA) A standard for the transmission and reception of application-related
information in a wireless communications system.
Pictures Background images against which menus, icons, and other elements are
displayed. Also a type of content supported by the Content Delivery Server.
Plan A plan defines content access rights. Plans can also be nested within other
Plans. Three types of plans are available: Vending Plans, Developer Plans, and
Subscriber Plan.
Pricing Controls Controls that enable the Catalog Manager administrator to select the list of
available pricing models that can be applied to the selected content type by
either a content provider or a Catalog Manager.
Pricing Model Condition of purchase associated with content. Supported pricing models are:
free always, first download only, every download, trial, per use, per period,
per subscription, and per interval.
Pricing Option Pricing characteristics of content that is presented to the subscriber at purchase
time. The pricing option consists of the following elements: Pricing Option ID,
Pricing Option Name, Pricing Model, and Purchase Price.
The Pricing Option ID is a unique identifier for the pricing option. The Pricing
Option Name is an
external pricing option name used by external systems
to identify the content