
Chapter 2 Catalog Manager 31
has the content type picture and a pricing option of $0.75 for first download only.
You determine that Roses is priced at $.50 for first download only. When you edit
the content and change its price, Roses becomes disassociated from other content of
type picture with that pricing option. If the purchase price for picture content
changes later, Roses is unaffected by the change because it is no longer associated
with its original pricing option. Roses is considered to have a custom price. Any
future changes to the purchase price for Roses must be made explicitly to that
content item.
Viewing Supported Content Types and MIME Types
1. From the Catalog Manager administration console, click Content on the main
menu bar.
2. Click the MIME Types tab.
The MIME Types page is displayed. This page shows the content types that are
defined and the MIME types that are currently associated with each content type.
The following information is displayed for each MIME type: