
16 Sun Blade X6440 Server Module Product Notes November 2009
If you are logged in as root, choose to open the file with its default application.
If you are logged in as a user (not root), do the following:
1. Choose the option to save the file.
2. Download the javaRKVM.jnlp file and run it manually.
The download manager will display the location of this file.
3. Move the javaRKVM.jnlp file to the /tmp directory.
%mv/location_of_javaRKVM.JNLP/javaRKVM.JNLP /tmp
Where location_of_javaRKVM.JNLP is the directory where javaRKVM.JNLP
4. To find the location of the javaws application, enter the following in a
terminal window:
% which javaws
5. Execute the following command from the terminal window:
%/location_of_javaws/javaws /tmp/javaRKVM.JNLP
Where location_of_javaws is the directory where javaws resides.
Assuming that the javaws application is run from the /usr/bin directory, the
following command will open a Remote Console session:
% /usr/bin/javaws /tmp/javaRKVM.JNLP
Once the remote console window is closed, the /tmp/javaRKVM.jnlp is removed.
Service processor might take up to 3 minutes to
On server blade insertion or server processor (SP) reset, the SP might take up to 3
minutes to start. The SP will not function during this time, and the port 80 reader
will toggle between 55 and AA.