
Frequently asked questions
Troubleshoot Norton AntiSpam
Why did an email message someone sent me
never arrive?
Some legitimate email messages may contain elements
that are characteristic of spam messages. This may have
caused Norton AntiSpam to incorrectly identify the
message as spam. Depending upon the filters you have
created in your email program, the message may be in
your spam or trash folder.
To avoid losing email messages from this person, add
them to your Allowed list.
Does Norton AntiSpam check for email-borne
Norton AntiSpam does not check for viruses. To scan
incoming email messages for viruses, you must install
Norton AntiVirus.
Why does so much spam include clusters of
meaningless characters?
These and other unusual elements in spam are intended
to confuse spam filters that look for keywords.
How do I keep my spam protection updated?
To some degree, Norton AntiSpam updates itself by
learning from your outgoing email messages and other
data. However, to receive up-to-date copies of Symantec
spam definitions, you must subscribe to this service. You
can then choose to have these definitions updated
NIS2005.book Page 63 Sunday, August 1, 2004 3:24 PM