Frequently asked questions
Troubleshoot LiveUpdate
Troubleshoot LiveUpdate
Check here for possible solutions to issues that might
arise with LiveUpdate.
What if I can’t use LiveUpdate?
When new updates become available, Symantec posts
them on the Symantec Web site. If you can’t run
LiveUpdate, you can obtain new updates from the
Symantec Web site.
To obtain updates from the Symantec Web site
1 On the Internet, go to securityresponse.symantec.com
2 Follow the links to obtain the type of update that you
What if I run LiveUpdate on an internal network?
If you run LiveUpdate on a computer that is connected to
a network that is behind a company firewall, your
network administrator might set up an internal
LiveUpdate server on the network. LiveUpdate should
find this location automatically.
If you have trouble connecting to an internal LiveUpdate
server, contact your network administrator.
Why is Automatic LiveUpdate having problems
Automatic LiveUpdate does not recognize proxy settings
that are configured in the Internet Options Control Panel.
To ensure that your proxy settings are used by Automatic
LiveUpdate, you must configure them in the Symantec
LiveUpdate Control Panel.
NIS2005.book Page 66 Sunday, August 1, 2004 3:24 PM