
13 - 52 DS6708 Digital Scanner Product Reference Guide
Composite TLC-39
Parameter # F0h 73h
Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Composite bar codes of type TLC-39.
UPC Composite Mode
Parameter # F0h 58h
UPC symbols can be “linked” with a 2D symbol during transmission as if they were one symbol. There are
three options for these symbols:
Select UPC Never Linked to transmit UPC bar codes regardless of whether a 2D symbol is detected.
Select UPC Always Linked to transmit UPC bar codes and the 2D portion.
If 2D is not present, the UPC bar code does not transmit.
If Autodiscriminate UPC Composites is selected, the scanner determines if there is a 2D portion, then
transmits the UPC, as well as the 2D portion if present.
Enable TLC39
*Disable TLC39
UPC Never Linked
*UPC Always Linked
Autodiscriminate UPC Composites