Appendix A
Standard Default Parameters
Appendix A Standard Default Parameters
Table A-1
Standard Default Parameters Table
User Preferences
Set Default Parameter All Defaults 4-4
Parameter Scanning ECh Enable 4-4
Beeper Tone 91h Medium 4-5
Beeper Volume 8Ch High 4-5
Power Mode 80h Continuous On 4-6
Time Delay to Low Power Mode 92h 1 Minute 4-7
Trigger Mode 8Ah Auto Aim 4-8
Picklist Mode F0h 92h Disabled Always 4-9
Decode Session Timeout 88h 9.9 Sec 4-10
Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol 89h 0.6 Sec 4-10
Beep After Good Decode 38h Enable 4-11
Miscellaneous Scanner Options
Transmit Code ID Character 2Dh None 4-12
Prefix Value 63h, 69h 7013 <CR><LF> 4-13
Suffix 1 Value
Suffix 2 Value
62h, 68h
64h, 6Ah
7013 <CR><LF> 4-13
Scan Data Transmission Format EBh Data as is 4-14
FN1 Substitution Values 67h, 6Dh Set 4-15
Transmit “No Read” Message 5Eh Disable 4-16
Synapse Interface F0h, ACh Standard Synapse Connection 4-16
User selection is required to configure this interface and this is the most common selection.