
PPT 2700 Series Product Reference Guide
Power Mode Property Page
The Power Mode management properties allows automatic or manual setting of the adapter
power management mode.
Figure 8-11. Power Property Page
Select Continuous Access Mode (CAM) or Power Save Polling (PSP) mode. CAM
yields the best performance but uses the most power. This mode is recommended for
systems using AC power. PSP saves power, so is recommended for systems running
on battery power.
Use the sliding scale in the Manual Power Settings field to set a PSP performance
index (1 to 5) suited to the intended operation of the terminal. The selected PSP
setting is described below the sliding scale.
Check the Switch power mode based on power source checkbox to automatically
transition the system from PSP mode when on battery power to CAM when on AC
power. Clear this checkbox to prevent NICTT from transitioning from PSP to CAM
when AC power is detected.