Spectrum24 Network Configuration
WLAN Adapter Settings
Select the WLAN Adapter tab within the Advanced Properties window to view the WLAN
Adapter property page. Use this page to configure hardware and radio settings and set an
optional password for user access to the four advanced property pages.
Figure 8-20. WLAN Adapter Property Page
To create a password, select the Password button. Enter a case-sensitive password (10
characters maximum) in the password field and select OK. This enables the Advanced
property pages password dialog box which appears when Advanced is selected from the Easy
Setup window.
To disable the password dialog box, enter the current password and leave the two new
passwords fields blank. Select OK. To change the password, enter the current password and
type a new password in the two new password fields. Select OK.
Select Secondary Antenna in the Diversity drop-down menu if you have a dual antenna on
your WLAN adapter card. This can improve communication in highly reflective
environments. Select Primary only if you do not have a dual antenna WLAN adapter card or