
Technical description
Tape type detection
The CC 820 M is equipped with automatic tape type
The rear face of the cassette features code slots, as
shown in the diagram below.
The tape deck uses these slots to detect the type of tape
in the cassette, and then sets the bias and equalisation
level to suit.
Some metal tape cassettes do not have the correct code
slots. These cassettes are sensed by the machine as
'CHROME' cassettes. This may result in distorted
Record / erase protect tabs
When you make a recording all the music previously on
the tape is automatically erased (overwritten). To prevent
the danger of accidentally erasing precious recordings,
cassettes are fitted with tabs on the rear face which can
be broken out to prevent overwriting, using a small
screwdriver or similar tool. A separate tab is provided for
each side of the cassette (side A and side B).
The diagram below shows how to break out the tab for
side A.
If you remove the record / erase tab but subsequently
wish to re-use the cassette, simply apply a piece of
adhesive tape over the open slot to seal it again. The
diagram below shows how to re-seal the slot for side A.
It is now possible to record new material onto the
cassette, or erase what is already on it.