• Push all plugs firmly into their
sockets. Loose connections
may cause hum or other
unwanted noises.
• Connect the output sockets
(OUTPUT) on the CC 820 M
to the input sockets (TAPE 1
IN) on the pre-amplifier,
taking care to connect 'R' to
'R' and 'L' to 'L'. If you mix up
the connections, the stereo
channels will be reversed.
• Connect the input sockets
(INPUT) on the CC 820 M to
the output sockets (TAPE 1
OUT) on the pre-amplifier,
taking care to connect 'R' to
'R' and 'L' to 'L'. If you mix up
the connections, the stereo
channels will be reversed.
• Deploy all mains and
loudspeaker cables as far
away as possible from signal
and aerial leads.
Once the wiring of the system
is complete, switch the system
on and set the volume control
to a very low level.
Place a cassette in the drawer
and press the
button to
start playback.
Switch the amplifier to the
listening source 'TAPE 1' and
switch on the loudspeaker
output you are using; you
should now hear the cassette.
If you encounter problems
when using the player for the
first time, please note that they
often have simple causes
which are equally simple to
correct. Read the chapter
entitled 'Trouble-shooting' in
these instructions.