Now press the or key repeatedly until Load Menu=3 appears. Then
select menu no. 3 as the current setting using the Set key. After you
have completed this change the printer initialises itself and a correspond-
ing message is displayed in the LC display.
The currently active setting is marked with an asterisk (
If changing menues it is possible that the printer initializes due to
different emulation settings.
➤ Menu handling You move from menu item to menu item using the four function and se-
lection keys underneath the LC display. Every function and every
parameter displayed on the LC display is effected/selected by the key
directly underneath. For this reason the function and selection keys are
referred to in this manual by their current assignment. Generally two
parameter groups occupy one level (in the following picture the
parameter groups LPI and Skip occupy one level).
If you do not wish to change one of the two parameters you can either
press the Next key (to access the two following parameter groups in the
menu), or you can press the Back key (to access the two previous
parameter groups in the menu).
Load Menu=1 *
Set Exit
Reference manual The Menu