Referenzhandbuch Das Menü
Table 865
Table 866
866 Bulgaria
Table 1250
Table 1251
Table 1252
Table 1254
IBM code page tables
Sl.Zero Sl.Zero = On
Sl.Zero = Off*
Selects if normal zero (0) or the slashed zero (Ø) is printed.
Auto-CR Auto-CR = On*
Auto-CR = Off
Switches the automatic carriage return on or off after receiving the signal CR
(carriage return).
Auto-LF Auto-LF = On
Auto-LF = Off*
Ein- oder Ausschalten des automatischen Zeilenvorschubs (LF) nach dem
Empfang des Zeichens CR (Wagenrücklauf).
MenLock MenLock = Off
MenLock = Menu*
MenLock = All
With MenLock = Off, all functions and settings are accessible without restric-
tion in Online, Offline and Setup mode.
If MenLock = Menu is activated, all functions and settings are still accessible
in Online and Offline mode, however, in Setup mode you can only access the
parameter groups Adjust (setting the print head gap [Head], top of form [TOF]
and tear position [Tear]), Paperway (setting the paper path) and Char (set-
ting the [Font] and the character spacing [CPI]), while access to Menu mode
is disabled.
If you select MenLock = All, you can access the Online/Offline, Load/Park
Paper and Paper Feed (LineFeed/Form Feed, / / ) functions in Online and
Offline mode while Setup mode is disabled.
Parameter group Parameter Description