D14111.02—MAY 2008 3
Content Server
User Guide
Before you start
You need to know the URL or Address (IP address
or DNS name) of your TANDBERG Content Server.
e.g. mycontentserver/tcs/
You will also need a user name and a password to
log in to your TANDBERG Content Server.
Ask your administrator for these.
Supported Browsers
On your Windows Personal Computer, use either:
Internet Explorer 6 or 7 •
Mozilla Firefox 2.•
On your Macintosh use either:
Mozilla Firefox 2 •
Safari 2 or higher.•
You will normally be asked for a user name
and a password. These may or may not,
be the same as you use to log in to other
applications in your company, like e-mail.
If in doubt, ask your administrator.
Once successfully logged in, you will see a list of
Conferences that you have access to.
The Content Server web page
will be displayed in your browser
once you have entered its URL or
Look for the Log In button in the
upper right corner. Click on this
button to log in.
What’s in this user guide?
Frequently Asked Questions