D14111.02—MAY 2008 9
Content Server
User Guide
Allow access to all users. Select to give all
Content Server users permission to view this
Users. If Allow access to all users is not
selected, and you want to restrict access to your
conference, enter user names, or group names one
per line in the Users text box.
Editors. To allow users to edit as well as view your
conference, enter their user names in the Editors
text box.
Password. Enter a password to further restrict
streaming access to this conference.
All users specified above will be able to see the
conference listing, but only those that know the
password will be able to view it.
Conference permissions
Here you define and list who is allowed to edit a conference and who is allowed to just watch a conference.
Observe that you may also grant watching access to all users who have access to the Content Server by checking the Allow
access to all users check box.
Any users
listed here are allowed to
edit the conference
used to restrict streaming
access to this conference
Click here to allow access
to all Content server
Users allowed to access
this conference
In this chapter…
Call Information
Adding extra outputs
Editing viewer
What’s in this user guide?
Frequently Asked Questions