US/UK Version Keyboard Combinations
Key Sequence Result
1 Shift + any key Enters uppercase character
2 Caps Toggles between all upper or
lowercase characters
3 Fn + any key Activates blue symbol on a key
4 Fn + Caps Constant use of all blue symbols
5 Shift + Highlights line of text above cursor
6 Shift + ¯ Highlights line of text below cursor
7 Shift + ® Highlights character right of cursor
8 Shift + ¬ Highlights character left of cursor
9 Fn + Del Deletes Character
Fn +
11 Ctrl + X Cuts selected text
12 Ctrl + C Copies selected text
13 Ctrl + S Selects all text
14 Ctrl + P Pastes cut or copied text
15 Ctrl + U Undoes last command
16 Shift + SPACE Activates the Hot Key menu
17 Fn + Shift + key
(at the same time)
Emulates the command function
18 Shift + Enter Moves cursor to next column in
Address book
19 Ctrl + Enter Moves cursor to previous column in
Address book