1- Introduction
4 – Disc operations
Repeat playback
The unit can repeat the whole of the disc, the current track
only, or an A–B portion set as described here. Selecting the
repeat mode is only possible using the remote control unit.
You can use this mode with Single, Random, or
Program playback modes.
1 Theunitshouldbeinplayback,standbyorstopmode.
To cancel repeat mode, press the REPEAT key again so that
the display shows RepeatOFF and the RePeAT indicator
goes out.
A to B repeat playback
You can set the points between which playback should loop.
1 Whileplayingback,presstheA-Bkeyonthere-
The RePeAT indicatorlightsupandA-bindicator
2 PresstheA-Bkeyagainatthepointwheretheloop
If the A and B points are too close together, A-B loop-
ing is not possible.
Cancel the A-B repeat mode by pressing the A-B key, or
the STOP key. Both indicators will go out.
During playback, if the A-B key is pressed, the loop will be
canceled and playback will continue past the B-point.
A-B repeat cannot be set when the specified section
spans more than one track, and cannot be used with
MP3 discs.
Intro check
You can skip through the first 10 seconds of all the tracks
on a CD to check the contents of the CD.
This function is only available from the remote control
1 Whenstopped,intheContinuous(normal)mode,
presstheINTRO CHECKkey.
2 PresstheINTRO CHECKkeyagainortheSTOPkey
In Single or Random playback modes, with the disc
stopped, pressing the INTRO CHECK key cancels the
mode and returns to Continuous playback mode.
This function inserts a gap of about four seconds between
tracks on playback. This can be useful when recording to
tape, so that automatic searching can take place more easily
on tapes recorded from disc (see “Search keys” on page 32).
This function is only possible using the remote
control unit.
Press the AUTO SPACE key when in playback, standby, or
stop mode, the A.sPAce indicator lights on the right side of
the display. Pressing the AUTO SPACE key again cancels
the mode and returns to normal playback.
The STOP key also cancels the mode and stops playback.
Auto spacing