1- Introduction
5 – Recording CDs
The trigger level can also be used to divide tracks if the
auto track function is enabled.
When recording Vinyl to CD, since the track divisions
are determined by relative silence, it is possible that
spurious track divisions will be inserted. Under these
conditions, it may be better to set this function off, and
use manual track division explained below.
When this function is enabled, the unit automati-
cally inserts a track division in the recorded material.
Following modes are available for this function, and
are displayed as described.
When the sound level has dropped below the threshold
for more than two seconds, and sound has re-started, the
track will be divided.
At least
2 seconds
Track increment
• DD (digital direct)
When recording digitally from MD, CD or DAT, this
mode detects a track boundary and divides the track.
However, when the DD mode is on, and if the analog
source or non-DAT/CD/MD digital connections are
detected, the track number will be incremented using
level detection.
The track will be incremented as passing the time set
before recording using “A_TIME” in the menu items
(see “Menu operation” on page 15). The time can be set
1 minute to 10 minute increased by a minute.
This sets the function disabled (no indicator lit).
To enable or disable automatic track division:
1 Whilerecordstandbymode,presstheMENU key
2 UsetheMULTI DIALorSKIPkeystoselectthede-
The A_TRAcKindicatorlightsattherightofthedisplay.
When the TIMEmodeisselected,theindicator
Automatic track division
Synchronized recording basically means that recording
will begin automatically when a signal is received, and will
stop when the signal ends.
To enable or disable synchronized recording:
1 Arecordablediscmustbeloaded.
2 Withtheunitinrecordstandbymodeorrecord
mode,presstheSYNC RECkey.
ThedisplayshowsSYNCON briey,andthen
The SYNC RECkeyisalsousedtoturnoffsynchro-
Synchronized recording
While recording is taking place, press the RECORD key.
The current track number is incremented by one.
This operation cannot be applied while recording
track 99.
Manually divide track