Chapter 6 – Voice Commands
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 65
DTE/DCE Interface Rates
The table below indicates the anticipated modem-to-computer interface rates for both the 7.2 bits-per-
sample rate
and the 8 bits-per-sample rate.
Projected DTE/DCE Interface Rates for 7.2/8K Hz Sample Rates
Projected DTE/DCE I/F Projected DTE/DCE I/F
Bits per Sample Rate @ 7.2K Hz Rate @ 8K Hz Sample Rate
0.50 4800 9600
1 9600 19200
2 19200 19200
3 38400 38400
4 38400 57600
5 57600 57600
6 57600 115200
7 115200 115200
8 115200 115200
9 115200 115200
10 115200 115200
11 115200 115200
12 115200 Fast
13 Fast Fast
Related Manuals
For information on Multi-Tech modem installation, AT commands, S-Registers, and testing; refer to the
applicable user manual that came with your Multi-Tech modem. Multi-Tech manuals and other resources are on
the Multi-Tech web page at http://www.multitech.com.
Fax AT Command documents are also posted on the Multi-Tech Web site.
For additional Multi-Tech information, contact:
http://www.multitech.com for News, Products, Solutions, Support, Documents and more.
email oemsales@multitech.com for email technical support.
Additional Information
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) - the TIA represents the telecommunications industry in
association with the EIA. Contact the TIA at
2500 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22201
Global Engineering Documents manages a collection of more than one million documents from over 460
organizations worldwide:
Phone: 800-854-7179
Fax: 303-792-2192
The ITU is the leading publisher of telecommunication technology, regulatory and standard information, with over
4,000 titles in printed form, on CD-ROM and Online at
http://www.itu.int/publications/ .