SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 96
\K, 30
M, 26
\N, 30
N, 26
O, 26, 67, 68
P, 26
\Q, 30
Q, 26
Sr?, 27
Sr=, 27
\T, 30
T, 27
\V, 30, 31
V, 27
VIP, 48
W, 27
X, 27
Z, 27
Attention code command, 25
Autoanswer, 23, 40
Automatic Hang-Up Control command, 48
Backspace character, setting, 40
Bell 212A mode, 25
Blacklist command, 31
Break Control command, 30
Break signal, 30
call waiting, 36
Call Waiting Enable command, 36
Callback Attempts command, 33, 38
Callback Delay command, 33, 38
Callback Enable/Disable command, 34, 39
Callback Failed Attempts Display command, 33, 39
Callback Failed Attempts Reset command, 33, 39
Callback Parity command, 33, 39
callback security
callback attempts, 38
callback delay time, 38
enabling and disabling, 34, 39
failed password attempts, 39
inactivity timer, 39
parity, 33, 39
passwords, 33, 39
resetting failed attempts, 39
setup password, 39
types of, 34, 39
Callback Security Reset command, 34
callback security settings, 29
Caller ID, 38
Caller ID Selection command, 38
Canadian Limitations Notice, 87
Canadian regulation requirements, 88
Carriage return character, 40
Carrier loss disconnect time, setting, 40
Cisco Configuration command, 31
Comma, setting pause time, 40
Command mode, 23
Command Speed Response command, 32
Command string, 23
Communication Standard command, 25
Communications programs, 23
Country Code, 68
Global Wizard, 68
remote, 67
Selecting reset configuration command, 29
Control Tone Cadence Reporting command, 55
Country Code, 68
Country code, displaying, 26
Country Configuration/Result Codes Chart, 90
creepages and clearances, 82
Data buffering, 28
Data Calling Tone command, 31
Data Carrier Detect command, 27
Data Compression Control command, 31
Data mode, 23, 26
Data Set Ready Control command, 29
Data Terminal Ready Control command, 28
DCD Control command, 27
Design considerations
Vendor recommendations, 81
Diagnostic information, displaying, 26
Dial command, 25
Dial Stored Telephone Number command, 25
Dial string modifiers, 25
Dialing tones, 40
Direct Connect Enable command, 31
Disconnect delay, 40
Display Current Settings command, 29
Display Service Class Capabilities command, 47
Distinctive Ring command, 38
Distinctive Ring Report command, 33
DSR Control command, 29
DTE/DCE Interface Rates, 65
DTMF Detect Detect and Control DTMF command, 47
DTR Control command, 28
DTR Dialing command, 32
Echo Command Mode Characters command, 26
Echo Online Data Characters command, 26
Electrical Characteristics, 14
EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance, 88
Enable or Disable Voice Mode Packet Protocol
command, 57
Enable/Disable Distinctive Ring (Ring Cadence
Reporting) command, 55
ENTER key, 25
Enter Setup Password command, 34, 39
Enter Voice Receive State command, 49
Error control, setting, 40, 41
Error Correction Mode Selection command, 30
Escape AT Commands, 34
Escape character, 40
Escape sequence, 23, 34
Event Reporting and Masking command, 56