Operating Basics: User Interface
OTS9100 User Manual 2-87
Results Files
Every time a test is started, data files are generated. These files are stored on the C-drive in a
folder marked ‘Tektronix Measurement Data’. To view these files from the user interface, click
on View and select ‘Test Results Files’. The Results Viewer dialog box is displayed. Refer to
the Results Viewer description in this section for further information.
Results File Management
As tests are run measurement data files accumulate in the ‘Tektronix Measurement Data’ folder.
Once this folder becomes large from the quantity and size of the files, overall system
performance will suffer. The OTS system provides a results file cleanup tool to assist in
automatically managing these files.
NOTE: By default the system will keep only the most recent 100 results files. If there is a need to
preserve all results files the user must explicitly disable results file cleanup before any tests are
To access the Results File Management tool, click on the Systems menu and select Results File
Management. The Results File Deletion Parameters dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure
All cleanup parameters may be independently enabled or disabled by modifying the check box to
the left of the relevant parameter. Disabled parameters will retain their prior settings while
disabled. The value fields for disabled will be grayed out indicating that the relevant limit is not
being checked. All changes to parameters do not take effect until the ‘OK’ button is pressed.
The overall cleanup process is controlled by the pair of radio buttons at the top of the dialog. If
the ‘Disabled’ button is selected then all results file cleanup will be turned off.
Results file cleanup is accomplished in two steps. The first step selects files to be moved or
deleted. Results file sets (a history file and a summary file) are processed from oldest to newest
based on the setting of the ‘Delete files by oldest’ control. This allows files to be selected based
on their creation time, last modification time or last accessed time. Files are added to the
delete/move list until all enabled criteria have been met.