Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-74 OTS9100 User Manual
This command sets, for the COM2 serial port, the function of the high-order (eighth) bit in each serial. The
query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:PARIty?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:PARIty <Enum>
Parameter Description
NONE No parity
ODD Odd parity
EVEN Even parity
MARK The parity bit is always set
SPACE The parity bit is always clear
This command enables or disables the user prompt on the COM2 serial port. When the prompt is
enabled, the system prompts when it is ready for a command. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:PROMpt?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:PROMpt <Boolean>
This command sets the baud rate for the COM2 serial port. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:RATE?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A:RATE <Enum>
Parameters Description
R1200B 1200 baud
R2400B 2400 baud
R4800B 4800 baud
R9600B 9600 baud
R19KB 19.2K baud
R38KB 38.4K baud
R57KB 57.6K baud
R115KB 115.2K baud