Performance Tests
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
One medium-frequency leveled sine wave generator (Item 11)
One high-frequency leveled sine wave generator (Item 12)
Two precision 50 W coaxial cables (Item 5)
One 10X attenuator (Item 1)
One BNC T connector (Item 7)
One 5X attenuator (Item 2)
Prerequisites See page 4–15.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope:
H Press save/recall SETUP.
H Press the main-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
H Press the side-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
b. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
H Set the horizontal SCALE for the M (main) time base to 20 ns on
the TDS 684A or 25 ns on the TDS 7XXA.
H Press HORIZONTAL MENU; then press the main-menu button
Time Base.
H Press the side-menu button Delayed Only; then press the side-menu
button Delayed Triggerable.
H Set the horizontal SCALE for the D (delayed) time base to 20 ns on
the TDS 684A or 25 ns on the TDS 7XXA; then press the side-menu
button Main Only.
H Press TRIGGER MENU; then press the main-menu button Mode
& Holdoff. Press the side-menu button Normal.
H Press VERTICAL MENU; then press the main-menu button
Coupling. Press the side-menu button W to select the 50 W setting.
H Press SHIFT; then press ACQUIRE MENU. Press the main-menu
button Mode; then press the side-menu button Average 16.
c. Hook up the test-signal source:
H Connect the signal output of a medium-frequency sine wave
generator to a BNC T connector. Connect one output of the T
connector to CH 1 through a 50 W precision coaxial cable. Connect
Sensitivity, Edge Trigger,
DC Coupled