Adjustment Procedures
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
After the removal and replacement of a module due to electrical failure, you
must either do a complete adjustment or no adjustment at all, depending on the
module replaced. See Table 5–2.
Table 5–2: Adjustments Required for Module Replaced
Module Replaced Adjustment Required
Acquisition Board Complete Adjustment
Front Panel Assembly None Required
Low Voltage Power Supply None Required
Processor Board None Required
Display Assembly Display Adjustment Only
Some adjustments depend on successful prior completion of other adjustments.
For example, all the CATS tests associated with the Voltage Reference Adjust-
ment class must be passed before any other adjustments can be successfully
completed. Table 5–3 lists the adjustments and their dependencies.
Table 5–3: Adjustments and Dependencies
Class of Adjustment Prior Completion Requirements
Voltage Reference Adjustment None
Frequency Response Adjustment Voltage Reference (SPC and all tests)
Pulse Trigger Adjustment Voltage Reference (SPC and all tests)
P6139A Probe Adjustment Voltage Reference and Frequency Response
(SPC and all tests)
Display Adjustment None
Adjustment After Repair
Adjustment Dependencies