Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
Be careful using the bubble solution. If there is no internal pressure,
the solution may enter and contaminate the cell.
Do not attempt to use the bubble solution while the unit is under
vacuum. This may cause damage to the analyzer.
Use only bubbles, not liquid.
11.3.2 Leak Self Test
If only a Model 300M is available, the following alternate method for leak checking can be used.
The power must be on and the pump must be in-line. Disconnect the power from the pump.
Check for the sample flow. If the sample flow does not read zero, record the reading. Re-connect
the power to the pump. Cap the sample inlet. Check if the sample flow goes down to zero. If not,
check the sample flow exceeds the prerecorded value when the pump was disconnected. If the
sample flow is above zero or higher than the prerecorded value, the unit has the leak.