Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
If the value of any test function is displayed as “XXXX”, this
indicates that the reading is off scale or otherwise non-valid.
10.4 Troubleshooting Using Test Function Values
The Model 300M provides the capability to display, on operator demand, the values of Test
Functions which allow the observation of key analyzer operating parameters. These Test
Functions can be accessed by depressing the TEST Button on the instrument's front panel
causing the next test function to be displayed. By comparing the values of Test Functions to
acceptable operating limits, it is possible to quickly isolate and correct most problems.
Table 10-2 provides a list of available Test Functions along with their meaning, their range of
acceptable values, and the recommended corrective actions if the value is not in the acceptable
range. Additionally, Table 1-1 in this manual provides a list of the values of all Test Functions at
the time the analyzer left the factory.