Creating a Codec Server
Configuring a Codec Server 2-7
2.2 Creating a Codec Server
To create a Codec Server, you perform the following configuration steps:
❏ Configure DSP/BIOS through a Tconf script
❏ Configure "the rest" of the components through XDC configuration
(for example, Framework Components, DSP/BIOS Link, the Codec
Engine, etc.).
You will modify the following files:
❏ package.xdc. The package definition file.
❏ package.bld. The build script.
❏ servername.cfg. The Codec Server configuration script.
❏ servername.tcf. The DSP/BIOS configuration script.
Optionally, you may modify the following additional files:
❏ link.cmd. An optional linker command file.
❏ main.c. Contains applications main() function.
To begin creating a Codec Server, use the steps in the following
subsections. The examples in this section use the
CE_INSTALL_DIR/examples/servers/video_copy example.
So long as the algorithms you want to use implement the xDM interface,
the coding needed is limited to a simple main() routine in C code to
initialize the Codec Engine. The rest of the integration is by providing
configuration information to create the Codec Server.
2.2.1 Creating a Package
Follow these steps to set up environment variables to point to various
tools used in the build process and to create a directory with files you will
modify to create your server.
1) Optionally copy the entire CE_INSTALL_DIR/examples tree to a
working directory. This step is optional but recommended so that you
have a backup copy.
2) Edit the examples/user.bld file, which defines the locations of content
on your development system. Make sure the paths in this file match
your paths to the TI codegen tools and other compilers and OS tools
referenced in the file. See examples/build_instructions.html for