This is a draft version printed from file: pref.fm on 9/25/07
About This Book
The intended audience for this document is the Server Integrator, who
creates a Codec Server for use by the Engine Integrator and thus the
Application Author.
This manual tells what steps the Server Integrator should take to
configure DSP/BIOS and other components to create a Codec Server.
Additional Documents and Resources
You can use the following sources to supplement this user’s guide:
❏ Codec Engine API Reference.
❏ Codec Engine SPI Reference Guide.
❏ Configuration Reference.
❏ Example Build and Run Instructions.
❏ Codec Engine Application Developer’s Guide (SPRUE67)
❏ Codec Engine Algorithm Creator User’s Guide (SPRUED6)
❏ xDAIS-DM (Digital Media) User Guide (SPRUEC8)
❏ TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Rules and Guidelines (SPRU352)
❏ TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard API Reference (SPRU360)
❏ TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Guide (SPRU424)
❏ TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Demonstration Application
❏ XDC User’s Guide and other XDC documents.