Changing Map Units
Map Units has four selectable options: Nav Units,
North Reference, Coord. System and Map Datum.
Highlight the desired option and press
Nav Units: Allows you to select the units of
measure used for displaying navigation and
position measurements.
North Reference: Used to set the top of the map display to True
North or Magnetic North.
Coordinate System (Coord System): Used to select the
coordinate system used to display position information.
Map Datum: Allows you to select the map datum used for
mapping information. If you are using a paper map or chart in
conjunction with your eXplorist receiver, be sure that the map
datum selected matches the map datum for the map or chart you
are using.
Setting Power Management
Power Management options are used to help preserve battery life in
your eXplorist receiver. Under Power Management you have three
options, Power Off Timer, Light Timer and Beeper.
Power Off Timer: Set the time that your eXplorist receiver will
turn off automatically if no keys have been pressed and you are
not moving.
Light Timer: Set the time that the backlight for the display will
turn off automatically if no keys have been pressed .
Beeper: Set when the beeper will be audible. The beeper can be
set to Off, Keys Only, Alarms Only or Keys & Alarms.
Setting User Preferences