destination and the compass points in the direction you are
The eXplorist stores data (POIs, routes, track logs, etc.) as ASCII
text files to either an SD card or to its internal memory. Files
saved internally or to an SD card can be opened and viewed on a
personal computer providing you added flexibility in modifying
and storing data to be used in your eXplorist.
Whenever you save a POI, route or track log or if you are creating
a GOTO or a multileg route, you need to tell the eXplorist where
you want the file saved or retrieved from. This is done through the
internal browser in the eXplorist.
File Structure
The eXplorist uses (and creates
automatically on an SD card) a basic
file structure with default folders for
storing the data. You have the
opportunity of creating your own
folders and new ASCII data files.
Those items are covered in greater
depth in the Reference User Guide.
When you save or retrieve a file you will be taken to either the
default folder and data file for files of that type or the default
folder and data file that you assign in Preferences > Active Setup.
Points to Remember:
• •All data is saved in files
• •POI and route files can contain multiple items; track log files
contain only one item.
• •You can create new folders and new files to better organize
your data.
Background Maps
Detail Maps
Track Logs
Internal Memory
SD Card
Background Maps
Detail Maps
Track Logs
File Structure