Background Maps
Background maps are designed to provide useful details on
working areas. Field operators might like to see these details
on their handheld screens as they progress in their jobs so
that they can more easily go to the places they have to visit.
Background maps are for viewing only. You cannot edit
them or access information on their features. They provide a
backdrop, which gives visual orientation for your data and
waypoint files.
Background maps are shown in the Map Display area of the
MobileMapper Office main window. They are independent
of jobs. Whether there is an open job or not, you can have a
background map displayed in this area. You may create this
background map once and then it can be used as a back-
ground for many jobs at a certain location.
Background map projects are created using the Create Map
editor. The notion of “ background map project” allows you
to define the different layers the background map will result
from, plus a number of parameters, i.e. map scale setting,
map name, etc. Use the
Tools>Background Maps command to
access the Create Map editor. Background map projects are
saved as separate files with the “mmp” extension.
Once you have defined and saved a background map project,
you will then have to use the
Operations>Create Map command
to build the actual background map for the open background
map project.
Usually it takes time to create a map, so it would be a benefit
to do that once. After the background map is created, it will
appear in the Background Maps list with the given name, and
it can be selected at any time as a background for various job
Please, carefully read
the explanations oppo-
site to understand the
difference between a
background map
“project” and the result-
ing “background map”
on the Map Display area