
Field: Any area on MobileMapper’s screen dedicated to displaying
the value of a parameter. Some fields are user-editable, some others
are not.
Feature: Any element located in the field that you wish to record
for further uploading into a GIS database for example. A feature
can represent a real object (streetlight, park, electrical transformer,
etc.) or on the contrary, something invisible or impalpable (gas,
noise level, dose of fertilizer, etc.). In addition, there are four dif-
ferent types of features and each of them has its own logging pro-
To log a feature: Means to save the characteristics of a feature into
MobileMapper’s memory. The user is in charge of entering the de-
scription of this feature whereas the receiver is responsible for sav-
ing the GPS position(s) it has determined on this feature.
To describe a feature: Means to give each attribute of the feature
one of the prompted values for this feature.
Attribute: A description item of a feature.
Attribute value: One of the possible values that can be ascribed to
a feature.
Feature library: A file containing all the features relevant to a giv-
en job. Each feature is defined by a name, a certain number of pos-
sible attributes and the list of possible values for each attribute.
Nesting: This word is used to describe a feature that you are log-
ging whereas another feature is already being logged.