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The beeper will sound when
the bread is done. P r e s s
S TOP and remove pan with
bread pan handle and ove n
m i t t s. If you do not stop the
unit and remove the bread, it
will automatically go into the
keep wa rm progra m .T h e
O P E R ATION light will flash
and WARM will read in the
d i s p l ay window.Your bread
will be ke p t
wa rm for one
hour and the
machine will
shut off after this
t i m e.
1 0
The beeper will sound when
bread is done. R e m ove pan
with bread pan handle and
oven mitts.Tu rn the bread pan
upside down and shake the
bread pan to release the
b r e a d .
Place the bread upright on a
wire ra ck to cool approx i m a t e l y
20 minutes before cutting.T h i s
a l l ows the steam to escape. B e
sure to remove the kneading
blade from the bread.
C AU T I O N :
• The bread pan, kneading bl a d e, and
bread will be ve ry hot.
• A l ways unplug after use and allow to
cool completely before cleaning.
P r ogramming The Delay Timer For Bread or Dough