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Here are some suggestions for left over bread.
Breaded Pineapple
c h u n ked pineapple 1 15-oz can
c o rn s t a r c h 2 T B L
s u g a r 1/2 cup
bu t t e r 1/4 cup
white bread, 1 inch cubes 2 cups
D r ain pineapple, reserve juice. Add enough
water to juice to equal 1 cup. Mix corn s t a r c h
and sugar, add juice and margarine and heat
until thick . Pour over pineapple and bread,
toss lightly to mix. B a ke at 350°F/177°C for 30
m i nu t e s.
Bread Pudding
white bread, 1 inch cubes 1 1/2 cups
vanilla cook & serve
pudding & pie filling 1 3-oz box
c i n n a m o n 1 tsp
milk, liquid 2 cups
Mix all ingredients in a one quart casserole.
B a ke in oven at 350°F/177°C for 30 minu t e s
— stir halfway through cooking time. S e rve
wa rm or cold.
Crunchy Bread Snacks
bread, sliced 1/2 inch thick 8 slices
bu t t e r, melted 1/4 cup
d ry seasoning mix* 4 tsp
*Use any o n e of the fo l l ow i n g : d ried spaghetti
sauce seasoning, ranch dressing, Italian herb
seasoning, garlic pow d e r, or garlic salt. A m o u n t s
m ay be adjusted to your taste.
Melt butter and add seasoning. Place bread
on baking container and lightly brush with
butter mixture. B a ke at 350°F/177°C 10-15
m i nutes or until brow n . A l l ow to cool. B r e a k
into bite size pieces. .